榮拳館 WUnique

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  1. 課程 Courses
  2. /
  3. 套票政策 Package Policy



1) 所有套票於任何情況下都不設延期、退款及轉讓,請學員購票優惠前考慮清楚,敬希垂註。

2) 購買的新套票均須於1個月內開始第一堂,否則系統亦會於1個月限期內啟用。

3) 課堂必須至少於12小時前預約或取消透過系統預約,若所預約的課堂人數不夠三位而未能開班的話,本中心亦會於3小時前通知學員。如已預約而未能出席,系統將作缺席論並不獲補堂;已預約之私人PT課堂需於最少一天前取消,否則系統將未能作出取消。

4) 請參閱本中心網頁有關最新之時間表及收費表。

5) 如套票到期日前仍有剩餘課堂,學員需於到期日前購買新套票安排「帶堂」,否則系統將會自動註銷。套票必須於課程到期日前購買新的套票以安排「帶堂」,系統亦只能為最近的一個舊有套票「帶堂」,而新套票的開始日期亦必須與舊套票的到期日銜接。

6) 參加打拳班課堂請學員自備吸汗手襪、手帶、護腳踝、拳套及護腳墊 (Shin-pads),亦可到現場租借吸汗手襪、拳套及護腳墊,每次租借費為30元。

7) 凡於星期一至五之公眾假期,榮拳館將會暫停開放,WhatsApp服務亦會暫停。

8) 課堂時有機會進行拍照和拍攝及將來不需要徵詢當事人同意下有權使用有關照片和視頻片段進作公開及推廣用途。如有任何疑慮,請即向同事提出。

開心Share套票 額外政策:
S1) 開心Share套票成員組合一經加入即不能更改及退出。
S2) 開心Share套票以上一堂扣一堂的形式記錄堂數,由於翻查紀錄相當複雜費時,故此請與開心Share套票內的成員自行溝通,本中心不會介入及調解,敬請見諒。

月繳模式套票 額外政策:
Y1) 此收費只限使用信用卡付款,首期需於前枱繳付,之後以信用卡登記,每期自動續期,為期最少13個月,期間內不能中斷。

Y2) 客人如欲中斷月繳套票,請至少提前三十天以書面形式通知不再續期的意向,如月繳模式運作少於13個月,客人完成退訂前需補回已使用月份之20%差價。

F1) 必須於至少一星期之前申請;
F2) 凍結會籍服務費用為HK$300(30天)。


Package Policy

Suitable for all packages: 

1) All packages constitute no extension period, non-refundable and are non-transferable. Please acknowledge and consider seriously prior purchasing.  

2) All new package is required to begin within one month of purchase, otherwise the package will be automatically activated based on the 30th days of purchased.   

3) All bookings must be reserved or cancelled at least 12 hours prior lesson begins via our online system. If the number of students in class is less than 3, the scheduled class will be cancelled and we will notify the students 3 hours in advance. In the event of no-show or late cancellation to a booked class, the reserved private / PT class must be canceled at least one day in advance, otherwise the system will count it as absent and no make-up class will be arranged.

4) Please refer to our website for updated Timetables & Course Fees.

5) If you want to carryover the remain lesson(s), please purchase a new package before the expiry date. However, the remain lesson(s) will be waived. Members must purchase a new package before the due date of the original package to carryover and the start date of the new package must also be linked with the original package. Only the latest existing package can be carried over.  

6) For the Boxing Class: Suggest to bring your inner gloves, boxing gloves, shin-pads, hand-wraps & ankle guards. Or you can rent the clean Inner Gloves, Boxing Gloves & Shinpads with a fee of $30. 

7) Public holidays on Monday to Friday, WUnique will be closed and WhatsApp service will also be suspended. 

8) In class, there will be opportunities for photography and filming, and in the future, we reserve the right to use the related photos and video clips for public and promotional purposes without needing to seek the consent of the individuals involved. If you have any concerns, please raise them with your colleagues immediately.

Additional Terms & Conditions for Share Packages: 

S1) The members of Share Package cannot be amended or cancelled after shared.  

S2) Members of the Share Package shall count their lessons among themselves. Please kindly communicate with the group members regarding the allocation of lessons and record of attendance. WUnique & Nana Gym is not in a position and will not intervene.   

Additional Terms & Conditions for Monthly Direct Debit Authorization of Packages:  

Y1) This monthly subscription plan is only applicable to Credit Card payments. First phase will be charged at the counter and the rest of the period via the registered Credit Card. Each subscription lasts for at least 13 months and will be automatically renewed annually. Once enrolled in the Credit Card Autopay Scheme (CCAS), no cancellations will be allowed.  

Y2) In case of any cancellations during the subscription period, the applicant should provide at least 30 days written notice. The applicant will be charged with a compensation price difference, 20% of the completed period(s) if the cancellation was made within 13 months of the subscription period.   

Membership-Interim Suspension Services: 

F1) Application must be made at least 1 week notice in advance; 

F2) Each Suspension unit will be charged at HK$300 (30days).

WUnique & Nana Gym reserves the right to make any amendment to the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. All decisions made by WUnique & Nana Gym shall be final and binding.