1. 每個私人儲物櫃除租用費外,還需於租用時繳交按金,租用期完結前或在退回儲物櫃時可申請退回按金,按金會以銀行入數形式退回。
2/ 私人儲物櫃租用者可在預約系統來查詢儲物櫃的租用到期日,租用者必須於租用限期前清理儲物櫃內所有物品,否則按金將作抵銷過期後之一個月租用費;如租用到期日後一個月仍有未清理的物品,私人儲物櫃內之物品將會以廢物處理而不作另行通知。若因未能如期清理儲物櫃而帶來財物損失,本中心概不負責,敬請留意。
3. 本中心之私人儲物櫃用途只是方便學員存放拳擊器材及個人清潔用品,請勿把貴重物件、容易變壞、危險品如易燃物及遺法物品等存放於儲物櫃內,若租用者因此而招致任何的財物失竊或法律責任,本中心概不負責。
4. 私人儲物櫃須保持儲物櫃清潔及完整,不可塗汚或貼上貼紙等,如有任何損壞,租用者務必立即通知本中心,否則租用者可能需要負責有關之金錢賠償。
5. 本中心認為有需要時,無須得到租用者同意下及有權在租用者不在場的情況下開啟儲物櫃。
6. 如遺失或損壞鎖匙,需收取$100費用。
7. 租用者若違反上述任何一項儲物櫃使用守則,本中心將有權即時終止租用服務並不設退款。
Private Locker Rental Terms and Regulations
1. In addition to the rental fee for each private locker, a deposit must be paid at the time of rental. The deposit can be requested for a refund before the rental period ends or upon returning the locker. The refund will be processed via bank transfer.
2. Renters can check the rental expiration date of their private locker through the reservation system. Renters must clear all items from the locker before the end of the rental period; otherwise, the deposit will be used to offset one month’s rental fee after the expiration date. If items remain in the locker one month after the rental expiration date, they will be disposed of as waste without further notice. The centre is not responsible for any financial loss due to failure to clear the locker on time; please be aware.
3. The private lockers at the centre are intended solely for the convenient storage of boxing equipment and personal hygiene items. Do not store valuables, perishable items, hazardous materials (such as flammable substances), or illegal items in the locker. The centre is not responsible for any theft of property or legal liabilities incurred by the renter as a result.
4. Private lockers must be kept clean and intact; do not deface them or apply stickers. If any damage occurs, the renter must immediately notify the centre; otherwise, the renter may be held responsible for financial compensation.
5. The centre reserves the right to open the private locker without the renter’s consent when necessary and in the absence of the renter.
6. A fee of $100 will be charged for lost or damaged keys.
7. If the renter violates any of the above locker usage rules, the centre reserves the right to terminate the rental service immediately without a refund.
WUnique & Nana Gym reserves the right to make any amendment to the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. All decisions made by WUnique & Nana Gym shall be final and binding.